Saturday, October 15, 2016

Prayer Request

(A gift from my sister and her friend, Toni. Not only is it a reminder of the scripture God gave us to keep praying regardless of man's reports...but it also in Steeler colors:-)

Well, here we are again:-)

Our visit with Dr. K. did not go quite as well as we hoped Friday. Seems as though the unexpected is to be expected when you are dealing with cancer.

Labs appear to indicate that Stew's white blood cell count and neutrophils are too low for chemo to be given on Monday, 17 October. They will draw blood first thing that morning, but chemo will not be given unless the count is at least 1500. That is a little over three times more than what it is right now. If that doesn't happen, treatment will be delayed a week and the regimen Stew is taking will probably be changed.

So thankful our ultimate hope is not anchored in lab results or medical reports. Will admit though that it would be nice to have at least one test indicating we are moving forward.  Believing that in time...God's time... it will happen!

Please join us in prayer and faith for everything to be as it should so chemo can be given as originally planned.

Thankful for your presence in our lives and your prayerful support.

Stew and Deb

P.S. A special moment: We mentioned before how blessed we are to have Dr. K. as Stew's doctor. This time not only did she remind us that she was praying for us, that God heals, and to hang in there, but she also shared her own touching testimony of healing. Each visit with her is not only time with our doctor, but a "pause" in the day to share about and celebrate God. Thankful!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Praise and our Prayer for You!

The time is drawing near for another chemo treatment. This will be number 4. Only 2, maybe 3 treatments left to go. It really is hard to believe that we are already at the half way point.

Stew is doing well.  (Thanks to your prayers lifted up to Our Heavenly Father.) We have said more than once that if we didn't have the erratic lab reports, and a few days of struggle after each chemo/steroid treatment that it would almost seem as though he wasn't having chemo. At least, not the chemo we have read about or seen in the battles of others. The only continual ongoing symptoms/effects he has are the cancer symptoms that took him to the doctors in the first place. (Stomach pain, weight loss, and extreme tiredness) All of which we are believing will disappear soon...very soon!

It has been a good chemo break this time. With prayer, determination, a cane, and a smile, Stew was able to walk almost the entire three miles of the Walk to End Alzheimer's. Our son came to spend a day with us last week, and Stew's sister came to visit us for the weekend. We have been blessed with bottled water, fruit, and flowers delivered to our door along with texts, fb private messages, and cards of encouragement. Thank you!!!

The next 6 hour chemo treatment is Monday, October 17th. We have a visit with Dr. K. this Friday, at which time labs will be checked. Sometime between this chemo and next, Stew will have another  PET Scan and  colonoscopy to see if the chemo is doing what needs to be done. Please agree with us for a good healing!! Faces to the Wall and trusting in God!

Our prayer for you:
Father, thank you for the gift of those You have placed in our lives who are praying and Facing the Wall with us.  You have given us family and friends who bless us with kind words and loving actions. In You, they have lifted us up in ways that have made us soar on wings like eagles. Thank you that they have not grown weary, but are faithfully marching with us to healing---to victory. 
Father, may they know and see Your grace abounding to them, Your goodness filling up all the areas of their lives, and Your amazing love surrounding them and those they love.Bless them with health, joy, and peace in their hearts, their homes, and their lives. Because of You, may their faith stay anchored, and their hope remain strong both now and always as they continue to be lights in the world around them!In Jesus Name, Amen!

With gratitude and love,
Stew and Deb
Numbers 6:24-26